
CPU Components

Connect the CPU Components



Friday, July 1, 2011

Keep your laptop cool

Keeping your laptop cool is essential to lengthening the machine's life. Laptops may overheat for several reasons, the most prevalent being because it is dirty or the fan has malfunctioned. Overheating frequently can cause internal damage to your laptop's motherboard and prevent the computer from functioning properly or at all. Implement these techniques to keep your laptop cool...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Connect My Laptop to an Audio/Video Receiver

 Audio/Video receiver can be used to act as a media center for your home theater system. The improvement in cabling technology has made it possible to export the audio and video from your computer's graphics card to your external devices with just a single cable. The entire hook up takes only a minute or two and you can be enjoying your digital media files on your TV or sound system....

Monday, June 20, 2011

Record Stereo to a Computer With GoldWave

Most stereos have an RCA output that you can connect to the computer's sound card; if not, you can use the stereo's mini-plug headphone jack to send audio to the computer. After connecting the stereo to your PC, you can record its audio output using the GoldWave audio editor. GoldWave is capable of recording CD-quality WAV audio without any additional plug-ins, and a free trial version of the program is available from the developer's website....

Friday, June 17, 2011

Steps to Upgrade a Computer

The demands of computer software only rise with time, and if you have an older machine, you may no longer be as happy with its performance as you once were. It is time for an upgrade. However, the process of upgrading a computer can be daunting for those who do not do so regularly.&nb...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Differences Between Regedit and Regedit 32

Microsoft's Windows NT-based operating systems include two utilities for editing the registry, Regedit.exe and Regedt32.exe. While each performs essentially the same functions, there are subtle differences between the two that may have varying levels of importance depending on the specifics of your administrative computing needs.&nb...

Barebone Kit

A barebone computer is a partially assembled platform or an unassembled kit of computer parts allowing more customization and lower costs than a retail computer system. They are available for desktop computer, notebook and server purposes, and in nearly any form factor. Manufacturers are also able to produce systems of a specialized or non-standard form factor, since the system is sold as a pre-built unit, with the motherboard and power supply...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reset a Dell Axim Password

Reset a Dell Axim Password Password reset in Dell Axim can be done by hard resetting the PDA. Doing a hard reset wipes everything in the device, including the password. Once you complete the hard reset, the phone is a blank slate. You can set a new password on the Axim, and restore the data from your computer using the synchronization software that came with the device.&nb...

Use a Webcam As a Remote Security Camera

You will need to wirelessly connect the webcam to your computer. A USB wireless transmission kit can join together the webcam to the computer at distances that are not possible using a USB cable. You can get the kit from an electronics store or from a computer store. Neither the webcam nor the computer will be physically modified to work with the USB wireless transmission kit.&nb...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Change the Screen Resolution on a 27" iMac

The 27-inch iMac comes with a high-resolution LED backlit widescreen display with a maximum resolution of 2560 by 1440 pixels. You can change the screen resolution of your iMac computer using the native option available on the Mac operating system. Higher screen resolution provides more room for opening multiple applications.&nb...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Add Additional CPUs to the SLES

Adding support for a second CPU to a Suse Linux Enterprise Edition requires upgrading the Kernel. The kernel is the part of the operating system that deals with the low-level interaction with the hardware.&nb...

Fastest Xeon Processors

The Xeon family processors focus more on multi-tasking capacity than on maximizing processor frequency ratings. Xeon processors feature support for large level-3 data caches, multi-processor support and additional processing cores. These features enable servers to handle the large numbers of concurrent programs and processes that server-grade computers typically run.&nb...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Install on a SanDisk Cruzer

The Cruzer flash drive plays and stores any files that are also commonly stored on a computer's hard drive. This means that the Cruzer will run programs. In order to do this, however, a program needs to be installed as a custom installation.&nb...

Repair a Raw Drive

When a new hard drive is not formatted it is called raw hard drive. These drives do not have the ability to retain files or operating systems. If you would like to repair a raw drive and give it the ability to house files or use it as a primary operating system drive, you will need to format it. Formatting the drive can be done through the Windows Disk Management application that comes with Windows operating system.&nb...

Change Trays in HP M3035

Hewlett Packard's LaserJet M3035 printer is a multi-function device combining black and white laser printing capability. It has two built-in paper trays, both of which can hold most major paper sizes, including letter, legal and A4 size. The only change that is possible with the M3035's trays is to add an additional 500-sheet accessory tray. 1). Switch off your HP LaserJet M3035 printer by flipping its power switch to the "O" positi...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Connect Inspiron 1525 Notebook to Lexmark Z2490 WiFi Printer

Lexmark's Z2490 WiFi printer can be connected to a wireless network and the computers connected to that network can print from it without needing to connect via a wired Ethernet connection. This allows you to print from a laptop with wireless capabilities, such as the Dell Inspiron 1525 Notebook. The Lexmark software has to be installed first. 1). Click on the Network icon (it looks like a computer or group of bars) in the lower-right corner of...

Computer Won't Power on But the LED Power Is Lit on the Board

When the computer won't turn on, but still LED light lit on the motherboard, here are the potential causes. If there is beeping sound while starting the system, reference the motherboard manual; those beeps will indicate the problem. RAMImproperly seated RAM will cause the system to not turn on. This is because RAM is integral to the computer's operation. Turn off the system and unplug the power cord, then re-seat your RAM module...

What Causes Error 633?

  Error 633 is an error message that typically appears when attempting to set up or connect to the Internet with your computer's modem. Although it can prevent you from accessing the Internet, the issue is well documented....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fix Problems With EXE & CDD Files

There are tools on your Windows operating system that can restore CDD and EXE files to normal with relative ease. EXE, or executable files, are basically programs and cannot be read like data files. CDD files belong to the ConceptDraw Pro program, which allows users to create flowcharts, technical drawings and conceptual diagrams. These files can also contain scripting language in the ConceptDraw Basic application....

Make a Computer Brighter Than the Maximum Brightness

Maximum of LCD computer monitors have a maximum brightness of around 300 nits or 300 candelas per square meter. Higher-end LCDs are capable of 400 nits; however this still may not be sufficient when working outdoors in direct sunlight conditions. Some professional-grade screens are capable of producing 1000 nits or more....

Stream TV on VLC

The VLC player is a free and open-source media player designed to support DVDs, VCDs, varying formats of audio and video codecs as well as streaming video or tv. If you have a TV capture card installed on your computer, you can set up your VLC player to display streaming TV to view at your convenience....

Monday, June 6, 2011

Convert an Old LCD to DVI

As the technology evolves so quickly that often old hardware that is still fully functional obsolete by the latest equipments. Such as few years back all LCD monitors were shipping with a blue VGA connector. Current monitors favor new DVI technology and new computers are responding to this by phasing out VGA ports. If you have an old VGA monitor, but only DVI ports on your computer, don't rush out to replace the hardware....

Fix a Blurry Widescreen Monitor

Main reason behind widescreen monitor blurriness is a lack of necessary RAM (random access memory) to run your computer's programs, although a number of monitor settings under your operating system may need to be tweaked in order to fix this problem. Fortunately, no specific computer expertise is required in order to troubleshoot and fix a blurry widescreen monito...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Troubleshoot NVRAM

Non-Volatile Random Access Memory, a type of memory that retains its contents when power is turned off. One type of NVRAM is SRAM that is made non-volatile by connecting it to a constant power source such as a battery. Another type of NVRAM uses EEPROM chips to save its contents when power is turned off. In this case, NVRAM is composed of a combination of SRAM and EEPROM chips. 1). Put the Windows 7 installation disc into your computer's optical...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Test the Life of a Laptop

If the laptop fails unexpectedly, you could lose years worth of pictures, documents and personal files. Testing the condition of your laptop components from time to time is one of the best ways to protect you from the possible loss of data.Following are the steps to test the life of your laptop components: 1). Shut down the laptop and wait for it to power down completely. Press the power button and watch the screen closely....

System randomly crashing, rebooting, freezing?

Is your system randomly crashing, rebooting, freezing, etc? Then here are the right steps to resolve the issue: 1. Consider the make & model of your computer system. A cheap, generic or underspecified computer system can be the cause of many stability-related issues or even damage other components....

Hide a computer ID in Windows 7

1). Turn off the modem and router. Unplug all cables that link the computer with the modem and router. Plug back all cables to their proper places and restart the computer, modem and router. Make sure that Internet Connection is working. 2). Go to the What Is My IP website to determine your current IP address and note it down to compare with your new one later.Click "Start" and enter "cmd" into the white search box, then hit the "Enter" key. When...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hide a computer ID in Windows XP

  Hiding an identity of a computer commonly referred as IP address is primarily done to conceal your identity and location. Some methods rely on completely hiding all or part of the IP address and some methods simply change the IP address to a new one via a free or fee-based proxy server. Remember that some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) limit the number of times a new IP address can be issued.Following steps explain how to hide a computer's...

Set Jumpers on Multiple Hard Drives

PATA (IDE) hard disk drive controllers allow one or two drives to be connected to the same controller using a hard drive cable with three connectors. The controller can be used to set one drive to the "Master" setting and the other drive to the "Slave" setting. This is done by jumpers interchange and by the location of the drive on the data cable on other computers. Learn how to set the jumpers correctly. 1). Turn off the computer and unplug the...

Monday, May 30, 2011

Reboot an Acer Aspire 5313-2326 Back to the Factory Settings

The Acer Aspire 5313-2326 is equipped with the Acer eRecovery Management utility that enables the system to be restored to its original factory-configured state. Running the system restore removes all data added to the computer by the user since it left the factory. Follow the below steps:1). Click "Start," and select "All Programs." 2). Click the "Acer" folder. Select "Acer eRecovery Management."...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fix Mouse Pointer Disappears

When the mouse is malfunctioning, it will often disappear for short and long periods of time. To resolve this issue, you'll have to try a few different solutions since there may be more than one issue affecting your disappearing mouse. Following are the steps given to resolve such issue. 1). Clean the bottom of your laser lens mouse with a damp cloth. Dirt can build up on the lens and block the light that transmits to the mouse. If you have a...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What You Must Backup While Replacing a Computer

Backing up and transferring data from an old computer system to a new one could be a challenged task.  Before you start taking backup, make sure that Windows has a restore point created. Prioritize which files you back up and store on removable media. Technically you should backup the system registry, program and application files, operating systems and, if managing a network, the security settings for end users on first priority....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Use an iTouch as a Removable Disk Drive

Apple's iPod Touch comes in three different sizes such as: 8 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB and is similar to the iPhone in both appearance and function wise. Because it has a large amount of storage capability, you can use it as a removable hard drive for your files. Earlier editions of the iPod allowed you to use the player as a hard drive, but the Touch no longer allows this; however, you can still accomplish this using third-party software. 1). Download...

Monday, May 16, 2011

Reset Ink Settings in Canon iP1800

If your Canon Pixma iP1800 printer is low on ink, you can refill the ink cartridge yourself to avoid having to purchase new cartridges. If you choose to do this, you will also need to manually reset the ink setting of your printer. This is a simple procedure that should take you no more than 15 minutes to complete. This procedure works for both the color and black ink cartridges. 1). Place a strip of tape over the contact pads on the top row of...

How to Wake Up a LAN

The networking power management features on your computer allow it to save energy. The most common network power management feature used is called Wake on LAN. Wake on LAN allows your computer to "wake up" when you place your computer in "sleep" or "hibernation" mode. You usually receive a network message. You can wake up a LAN on Windows 7 by executing some steps on your computer. 1). Hit the "Start" button, "Control Panel," "Network and Internet"...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to Repair Bad Sectors in a Maxtor

Maxtor is a company that builds hard drives. When one of Maxtor's hard drives are plugged into a computer and causes a "bad sector" message, it is repairable with a program called Chkdsk that is built into the Windows operating system. You will not have to spend any money to fix this problem and no data will be lost in the process. 1). Click the "Start" button at the bottom, left-hand corner of the scree...

Remove Ribbon Cables

Ribbon cables are made of hard plastic. Their purpose is to protect the data stripes that they carry inside. At one end of the data stripes are pins that attach to connecting devices. You will find these ribbon cables especially in older computers that use data stripes to send and receive signals between internal components. To avoid spending money on a technician, it is useful to know how to remove ribbon cables yourself when replacing the devices...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quick Tips to Earn Farm Cash In Farmville

To Get Cash In Farmville is not that hard , just Follow The Steps below and see how you can generate the maximum number of FV Cash everyday so you can get Maximum farm cash, Learn All the secret techniques on getting FV cash. As you may know, earning cash in farmville is not as easy as it seems, it take time and effort to get  free Farm Cash exept if you exchanged it with the real money, LEVEL UP: For every level you achieve you get...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Locate Lost Files

There are instances when files are accidentally deleted or moved to another location, particularly when you share the computer with multiple other users. The good thing is that there are several options you can try in order to locate lost files. 1). Click "Start," and type the file name or a part of the file name in the "Search" box. Files that match the keywords will automatically appear in the search results as you type. Click the file name to...

How to Open Explorer.exe

Windows Explorer is a clean, coherent organizational system that eases that burden. Windows Explorer lets you view the contents of your hard drive and any attached devices using an expanded navigation tree that lists subfolders underneath folders, folders underneath drives and so on. There are several different ways to open Windows Explor...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Parts of a Fiber Optic Cable

In the early 1980s fiber-optic cables connected most of the major cities in North America. Today fiber-optic cables circle the globe caring voice, video and data signals over these glass fibers. There are many different types of fiber-optic cables dedicated to many different applications, but they all share the same common configuration. CoreThe very center of the fiber-optic cable is a thin piece of glass that provides the path that the light...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coaxial Cable Types

Coaxial cables are cables that consist of two conductors that share an axis. The inner conductor is usually a straight wire; the outer conductor is the wire's shield, which is usually a braided wire or a metal ribbon. It is used primarily for radio and television signal transference. The combination of the center conducting wire and the outer conducting shield keeps other cable noise out and the signal in. TypesDifferent types of coaxial cable...

Types of Cat5e Cables

The group of cables surrounding your computer or workstation is most likely composed of category cables, or Cat cables. These cables have various data transmitting capacities, ranging from the minimal traffic to the bandwidth-intensive amount of 100 GbE. Learn to differentiate one from the other so that you can do some minor troubleshooting when you have connection issues. Identify the CableCategory 5 cables, nicknamed Cat5, are cable types designed...

Difference Between Cat5e & Cat6e Cable

Cat5 and cat6 cables are used for computer network cabling, most commonly for Ethernet cabling. The "e," as in "cat5e," stands for "enhanced." Cat6 cable reduces interference between the conductors and is rated for higher transmission speeds and bandwidth than cat5 cable. There are specifications for cat 5, cat5e and cat6, but the next level would be cat6a, even though cat6e is being sold as an enhanced cat6 cable with higher speeds than plain...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

IEEE Standard Wiring Colors

IEEE does not specify wiring colors; this is done by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA). However, IEEE standards must be followed for electronics and electrical design using wires following TIA color codes. Furthermore, IEEE has color-coded its electronics design books based on the type of equipment, called the IEEE "Color Books." Default ColorAccording to "LAN Wiring" by James Trulove, "the most common color for nonplenum coax...

How to Use Secondary IP Addresses With HSRP

Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) is a Cisco proprietary protocol that takes two different devices and makes them into one. Configurations make the interfaces appear as if they are all part of one big "virtual router" with the same default gateway. The configuration provides for redundancy in the case of a failed link, failed port or total switch failure. 1). Decide how many groups that you need. The first group is the primary Internet protocol...

Transfer All Data From HDD to HDD

Computer technology, including the acronyms and jargon that go with it, can confuse most people. Computer technicians used to joke that a PCMCIA card stood for people can't memorize computer industry acronyms. HDD is a bit simpler, as it stands for hard disk drive, as opposed to floppy disk drives or FDDs. Moving data between hard drives is less complicated than remembering the acronyms, though. 1). Find all of your files. Right-click on the "Start"...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Deleting the Master Boot Record on a Partition

The Master Boot Record, or MBR, is a small program that runs each time your computer starts up. Sometimes, this program malfunctions and you may need to remove it. Often the best approach is to format the hard disk to remove all remnants of the malfunctioning software. This will remove every software and partition so you will be able to reinstall everything from scratch. 1). Back up all data on your hard disk. You can transfer all files to a...

Animal Trough in Farmville

Animal Trough is a place where we feed animals in Farmville. Once we fill the trough with animal feed it attracts one of a number of typically available animals which you can be adopted for our farm.Once an animal is adopted, Feed Trough will need to get filled up again in order to attract another farm animal. Animal trough can be purchased from market in Buildings under Animals Tab.    If you do not choose to place it when we...

Reset the Waste Ink on a Canon Printer

The Canon ink counter tool estimates your remaining ink usage, and should be reset each time you replace your ink cartridge. This tells your Canon software that the ink cartridges are full, so it can properly estimate the remaining ink levels. Since the ink counter is an estimate, you may have some ink remaining even when the ink counter says your cartridge is full. By resetting the ink cartridge, you can avoid wasted ink, and squeeze every last...

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